The Butterdog flies.. it would be great to have a animal companion that is also a movement aid.
(GOAT SIZED would actually be convenient, i get the nichijou reference now...)
The rat got to the gods first because it accepts that it isnt the fastest but it is the most efficient, thus rule the world
irregular depressioa:irdx (DO(U(G)A,maNS))
Cicadas harmed your hearing, even through walls
The old cars are obnoxiously loud
The door bangs softly but constantly with the wind, when there are storms it moves faster and hits harder.
[doors are not silent | daughters are not silent ]
Considering how much time i have spent communicating non verbally it is quite frequent to have a disadvantage when talking.
I've had to work through periods of stuttering, aphasia, completely forgetting words, spoonerisms,
freudian slips, and other things which people tend to mock. as well as being the first multilingual person in my family?? is that correct?
am I the only polyglot? that cant be right? i feel like im caught in the non-space.
I KEEP forgetting im traumatised and need help to get on with my life,
[ it is hard to commit to improving my life when im so depressed .. ]
because i dont have the right amount of support to deal with things? no.
because i understand the world completely differently.. and it has taken me longer than others?? no
because i wasnt able to understand the definition of "my potential"
AM I a recovering people-pleaser... ?? no.
Have i been controlled through food all my life?? no?
Would you bite the hand that feeds...? no... (which oftentimes I receive a warning for but it is undue advice.)
Infantilism pisses me off in Autism spaces. allistics and non-autistic neurodivergent people maybe arent bothered that much by it
why does it bother me? because I dont build concepts the same way.
### Not in search of power but in search of knowledge. [ooo|###########################################]
Not in search of happiness but of joy. why joy? because that's the thing that used to keep us alive right??
it's a core part of who we are and we cant be without it.
still not done rebuilding this system and it hasnt actually even been finished ever
, this thing that all of us feel internally but daren't expose anymore
no need to abandon that in search of knowledge. there is a slightly longer spear which helps us win more often.
We set our own timer, and i'm setting it a lot further away that i would have ever imagined was allowed.
These ideas exist outside of time and space until they are published.
But it requires no audience, no witnesses. (everything must belong somewhere - Bright eyes)
i dont want to pigeonholed into not having a social life because of my autism.
i need to have a way to contact select group of friends
privacy is important and so is non-comercialisation
Turn the page inside out.
Let the meaning be discernable
Make these words come to life.
So mote it be.
also, fuck the witch/wizard binary.